Newtown School Tragedy

Dec 20, 2012

Our deepest prayers and condolences go out to the families of Newtown. The tragic shooting last week in Connecticut has shocked us as a nation. Families all over the country have been struggling with grief, disbelief, and anger. As we mourn, we also realize that violence can erupt anywhere, at any time.

Please watch this message from our founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

In the coming months, IAHV will offer its trauma relieving and resilience-building programs to Newtown families and children. We welcome donations for this effort, and will post updates about the Newtown Trauma Relief on our website.

Let’s all share healthy ways for people to manage their stress, anger, frustration, and jealousy at their core. Let’s build human values back into our families, schools and communities.

Together, let’s create a violence-free, stress-free America.